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Biochemistry - the fundamental principles of A-Level biology.

Basic biochemical concepts underpin just about everything you’re going to learn about in your A-level biology. Whilst of course biochemistry is a vast sub-discipline of biology in itself (covering many complex concepts such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration) the basic principles outlined here are intrinsic to all aspects of Biology.

Your A-level biology begins by fully understanding these biochemical concepts and being able to apply this knowledge throughout your entire A-Level biology course.

It is essential you know this a level biology section better than you know yourself... so make sure you have the booklets to hand ready to


  1. Watch / Follow along with the videos

  2. Test your understanding and recall of the topics with knowledge check Q & A / activity worksheets.

  3. Practice exam style questions on the topics

  4. Review your answers. Compare your answers with properly written answers to ensure full marks.

A-Level Biochemistry Topics
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